Looking Forward at 2015

Woo! Does anyone else find the holidays absolutely exhaust them? I look forward to them every year, but by the end, I’m happy to return to the normal routine of everyday life.

So! We’ve got a bright, shiny new year, full of potential! I’m not really a resolution sort of person, and I don’t really even like to plan too far ahead, in case I change my mind, or something happens, or I come across a fantastic idea that needs immediate doing. But I have laid out a vague plan for the year, and am going to try some new things.

General plan for the year:

For my main projects this year, the plan is to switch off between an editing project and a writing project. First up is finishing the edit on my YA paranormal novel, which should be done by the end of the month. Then I plan to finish the first draft of my scifi adventure from Nano. And then, in theory, I’ll do the chainsaw edit on the first book of my high fantasy trilogy. I’m not sure where I’ll go from there–nor am I sure how far through the year that all will take me. Book One needs quite a bit of tweaking, so that could take most of my time.

Marketing and submitting happens co-currently with the above as necessary.

New Things:

I’ve been toying with branching out in some new directions.

  • Nonfiction: I’m looking at putting out some nonfiction ebooks–focusing on writing motivation and process, as well as some speculative fiction studies. Also maybe some formatting and editing books for people who are planning on self-publishing.
  • Serial Fiction: The serial form seems to be making a comeback, especially in digital form, and I’d like to look more into it and maybe give it a try.
  • Comics: I’ve been looking at translating the Landsquid into some sort of more coherent project for a while now, and a comic book/graphic novel format may be what I’m looking for.
  • Audiobooks: I think this would be fun, though I’m not sure I have everything I need to make it happen.
  • Cooperative Writing: I’ve written novels with other people before, but always more for fun and experimentation, but I’d like to approach a couple of people about trying some more serious projects.

So! That’s a busy year. And I’m still going to do short stories and so forth around everything else.

How about you, Squiders? Trying anything fun for 2015? Any major goals?

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